Videos / Chapters
Use the Data Exploration and Visualisation section of the reading list to support and guide your exploration of this week’s topics. Note that these texts are divided into core reading, reference materials and materials of interest.
Live Session
In the live session we will begin with a discussion of this week’s tasks. We will then break into small groups for two data visualisation exercises.
(Note: For one of these exercises, it would be helpful to bring a small selection of coloured pens or pencils, of you have access to some. If not, please don’t worry - inventive use of black, blue and shading are perfectly acceptable alternatives!)
Please come to the live session prepared to discuss the following points:
Which NormConf video did you watch and what did you learn from it?
Other than ggplot2, what else have you used to create data visualisations? What are their relative strengths and weaknesses?
How did you implement your
function and what conclusions did you draw when applying it to the Dow Jones data?